Cii Methods Help Eliminate Waste in Education and Replace It with Innovation

How we build our students’ potential lies in our ability to eliminate waste in education.  Processes that prohibit equity, access, innovation, are unintentional but in many cases due to bureaucratic policies and measures have become entrenched systemically in schools for generations, leaving the school house behind in what has become the “New Norm” in education both virtually and face to face across the nation.

Cii Methods use Lean Six Sigma, Business Process Management and a Coaching style that digs deep into the process of how education is delivered, applied, and if its meeting the needs of our future learners to becoming capable citizens for the demands in this “New Norm.”  How can methods from business be instilled into an educational institution?  Every moment of learning is a process.  There is acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of knowledge, application of knowledge, and mastery of the application.  Like a business model the scientific method, a process is used to fail or succeed with emphasis on succeeding in application of the knowledge.  Cii Methods uses management processes that have proved successful in business with great success in education.  Changing how students comprehend and apply a concept and think through the process allows for discovery, innovation, improvement, and reasoning based on measurable data and evidence. 

Cii accomplishes this through teacher and student training as well as giving an overview of operational school processes that may hinder these beneficial learning opportunities for students.  Through collaboration and a personalized “Success Plan,” Cii presents a data driven plan that allows the recipient to learn critical concepts that change mindset and eliminate ineffective processes.

We Build:

  • A Cii Mastery Curriculum that authentically and holistically captures student learning, progress, and interests.  Fosters student critical thinking, innovation, and process management in applying learning.

  • Innovation Spaces where a school can use the Cii Mastery Curriculum to support and create redesign of traditional classrooms, school operations.

  • Engage with Higher Education to adopt the Cii Mastery Curriculum to rethink admissions and mobilize their peers to do the same.

  • Engage school partners and facilitate the discovery of funding through grant and foundation venues to support the vision.

  • Determine technology needs and competencies to compete in the “New Norm.”

Additionally, Cii recognizes that Computer science (CS) education prepares students for future opportunities and challenges across every discipline, from business to fashion to agriculture science. Students in the U.S., regardless of what type of community they live in, value CS and see it as important for their future careers, including 86% of rural and small-town students who say they are somewhat or very likely to have a job where they would need to know CS.

Cii knows what you can do…let us help you do it through our complimentary consultation session.