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Darwin, Business, and the New Economic Order

Darwin, Business, and the New Economic Order

Darwin theorized and it is now widely accepted that “survival of the fittest” rules supreme in the animal kingdom. In business, “fittest” is not just about strength, it is also driven by intelligence and adaptation. The current economic situation will force many individuals to fend for themselves and build and sell goods and services that will compete with and erode the foundations of “Big-ger Businesses”.

The Essential Element of Leadership Decision-Making

The Essential Element of Leadership Decision-Making

One of the major roles of being a leader is making decisions. It is said that “great leaders make great decisions.” But oftentimes, leaders are blindsided with results they did not foresee, and their choices fall significantly short of expectations or worse, they have a negative impact. This leads us to asking the question, “How do the great leaders avoid decisions that can hurt or destroy a company or an organization?”