
Lessons Learned (So Far!) with Covid

Lessons Learned (So Far!) with Covid

I have a saying, “You win some or you learn something…in either case you get a prize!” Often, the prize of greater value is what is learned! I am finding that within companies and organizations, the lessons learned and acted upon, have set the stage for a better future and sadly, for others, the lessons not learned are going to play significantly in those futures also. Covid, was and remains a threat and a challenge. It is also a great learning opportunity. Until Covid is totally subdued, not unlike the “Black Plague” or Polio, it is an opportunity to learn some amazing things. This is what I have learned.

Have you Learned the Lesson from Covid?

Have you Learned the Lesson from Covid?

It is said that “history is our greatest teacher and that it will relentlessly repeat its messages until we learn the lessons that it intends to teach…”

Whether or not you live by that axiom, there is an important question that each, individual, business or organization needs to be asking. That question is, “Have I learned to meet the challenges presented by the Covid pandemic so that history will not repeat itself?”